About a week ago, I got this question:
Have you written anything?
I said:
No. No, I haven't, because I can't write anything else, just this: I'm so tired. And no one wants to read this.
And maybe I was wrong.
Maybe I was wrong because I can teach something very important again.
About a year ago, I said that I would try another way. My passion, my borned task can wait, I need to save money, because I have to and I want to. So everything (I mean really everything) went to the self... (sometimes to the bin 😀 ), because I couldn't wait any longer, wanted to save money ASAP, so I started to work... so many hours. (Not on my passion, not on myself, just work work.... more hours) What do you think, what was the result? Am I happy? Am I satisfied? Am I where I wanted to be after a year?
I can tell you: NO. Not at all.
But... I've learnt from my life and my mistakes... again, and I can teach it again: If you want to be happy. I mean, really happy. You need to find your passion, task, and what you were born for and do it. Do it... working on it, if it is hard. Do it, working on it, if there are no results, do it, even if not too many people are interested in your work in the beginning, because if you give up your real task, what you were born for, you can't be and won't be really happy. And that is not the best feeling when you wake up in the morning, and your first question is: why, again? Like Molly does in my book at the beginning.
But!!!! We all know every day is a new beginning. We all know that all our mistakes teach us something (if we are clever, other's mistakes too, so you can learn from me and my life now and you don't need to waste a year for the nothing... okay, for learning) so... DO NOT give up yourself. DO NOT give up your real happiness because it is NOT worth it!!!
Ps: One thing... I have one thing: why I can be, and I am really grateful for my decision, which is that I meet and am with amazing people. Being with them is a huge gift because they like me and make me laugh and think. They teach me and inspire me. Thank you to you all for being in my life. And not just them. Thank you to everyone in my life who is helping me, likes me, or loves me, even if I don't deserve it. You (All) don't know how important this is for me. Thank you. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Ps2.: But... it time to change... again. 🙂
Motto: Have fun and play... AGAIN 😀
Ps3: Special message to you, my Stranger: Ok... shortly. But when???????????????????